Answer It! (Nancy Dufresne)

The timeless truths in this audiobook reveal how to answer every opposition and the steps to take to exit seasons of testings. Nancy Dufresne teaches simply and clearly the dominion and authority that belong to every believer and how to walk in victory over every opposition.

Love: The Great Quest (Nancy Dufresne)

Love is the cure for the flaws of man. It is the solution to human difficulties. Love is the highest and best way to walk, and it is the way we are commanded to live. “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love...” (Eph. 5:1 & 2). Love is to lead and govern us, and we are to make it our quest to pursue the way love leads. The love Jesus introduced to the earth is the same love we now possess and are to bring to others. Since He is our constant companion, we are to be His constant love representatives on the earth.

Especially in these last days, opposition and circumstances unique to these times will arise, so we must walk in the revelation of love, for it is the way we will overcome and move forward as victors in these perilous days. Jesus has made us victor and master over all opposition, so as love leads us forward, love victories await us!


Daily Healing Bread from God's Table (Nancy Dufresne)

In Mark 7:24-30, when the Syrophoenician woman requested healing from Jesus for her demon-possessed daughter, Jesus responded by saying, “Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it unto the dogs” (verse 27).

We can see in this passage that Jesus called healing “the children’s bread.”

In prayer, Jesus requested the Father, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). Jesus taught that it is a daily diet of healing bread that brings and maintains health in believers’ bodies.

With this in mind, this book is brought to you. It contains servings of healing bread spread on the table where the saints of God are fed. It contains daily portions for you to feast on and savor in your thought life throughout the day.

These portions will bring health to a sick body, peace to a tormented mind, and joy to a depressed soul.

Meditate upon these portions all day long. Ponder these truths of God’s Word deeply. Repeat them to yourself throughout the day, and let His medicine do its work in your body. Let each truth soak deeply into your spirit.

Responding to the Holy Spirit (Nancy Dufresne)

The reason people don’t receive more from God is because they don’t respond more. We will never receive beyond the measure of our response; we must be taught how to respond properly to God and to the moving of His Spirit. 

Many people mistakenly think that God can do anything He wants, anytime He wants, but He can’t; He must have our agreement and our proper response before He can move in our lives.

This is not only true in our lives, but in our church services as well. God spoke to me and said, “You can pray for My Spirit to move in your services, but if the people don’t respond when He begins to move, it won’t even matter that you prayed.” 

If people only knew how to respond to the Spirit of God, they would see greater moves of God in their services and in their lives. Many pray for God to move, which is right to do, but God is looking for someone who will respond to His movement.