Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how the Word works when you give it action!
Restoration & Deliverance
Donna C. from NV
I cannot begin to adequately put into words what this ministry is doing for my husband and me. We have been walking with the Lord for a very long time after being saved, healed, delivered, and set free from many things. But never have we ever heard anyone articulate as Pastor Nancy does. We live in Las Vegas, but we watch Jesus the Healer daily, as well as all livestreams. Thank you, Pastor Nancy, for changing our lives. God is using you to renew our minds, bring more healing and revelation, and so much more. And now we are turning around and imparting to others – one being our son who is incarcerated, but loves the Lord. He is receiving, and it is life-changing for him, just as it is for us. It matters!
Cancer Healed!
Lora D. from CA
Praise the Lord that I am healed of ovarian cancer! After watching Jesus the Healer and listening to the Dufresne family preach the truth of God's Word, I learned that healing belongs to me! I am so thankful to Pastor Nancy and her family for their incredible generosity when I visited World Harvest Church in December. I am healed, whole, and restored!
Hip Pain Instantly Healed
Rosa O. from CA
I had pain in my hip on the right side. I had it for over a week and also the day that I went to church for the Fresno Healing Crusade. I had discomfort when I sat down, and the only thing I know is that God healed me, because the next day I felt it very minimal, but then I didn't feel it anymore. When Pastor Nancy said to put your hand where you feel pain, I did it. I was healed there with the power of God and my faith. Thanks be to GOD! Amen.
Bone-On-Bone Condition Completely Healed!
Hope D. from KY
I received healing for my bone-on-bone knee condition. About two months ago, I experienced immediate relief at another meeting. However, no one prayed for me. A minister just told me to receive healing for myself. At that time, I was wearing knee braces and had already purchased a walker. About two weeks into my healing, I started having pain again, but I stood firm against it!! Amazingly, that morning Nancy Dufresne popped up on my Facebook. Nancy, I don't know anybody that knows you, and I never knew anything about your ministry. However, I listened to your message, and you said, "Don't let symptoms steal your healing." I was so excited, because I was just getting reinforcement and encouragement to stand firm. That was about three months ago, and I have stopped wearing braces for my knee pain and have no medication or pain. My knees have been restored. If the pain reappears, I can hear you saying, "Don't let your symptoms steal your healing." Tonight I was dancing up and down the aisles praising and worshipping with absolutely no pain at all. How did you end up on my Facebook? It was the grace of God, and I have my life back.
Swollen Ankle Miraculously Healed
Danni S. from TX
On Tuesday, May 7th, I was working in the yard, and I stepped in a hole and twisted my ankle. I heard the popping, rolling noise, but I went about finishing what I was doing. I had the correct first response, something like, "Thank You, Jesus, I am healed." I went about what I was doing, and finally a couple hours later, I took my shoes off from my work, and then my ankle began to swell and was throbbing. I had trouble adding pressure to it, and it was not right. I was preparing for an upcoming event, but couldn't maintain focus because the pain was increasing as I elevated it. So I determined I would listen to a message of healing (that's what faith people do, hear the Word). Pastor Nancy was live in Paducah at the Jesus the Healer Crusade, and her first word of knowledge was “healing in the right hip” and then "ligaments and tendons." I IMMEDIATELY received her word. She then proceeded to say that we should not say, "Heal me now," but instead, "Now healed." I laid there in my bed and added action to my faith - moving my ankle the best I could, stretching and such. I continued to confess, "Now healed. Now I'm healed," and march around my bedroom. I began to sense the change physically and not just spiritually. When I went to sleep that night, I would say I was at 75-80% healing, and I continued to thank God that I was "Now healed." By the next morning, all the pain had gone, and I just felt a "tinge" of where the injury had occurred. By the time I attended service on Wednesday night, I was completely healed. Within 24 hours, all pain had gone, and I had no limitation! Glory to GOD!
Healing Through The Airwaves - Prostate Healed!
Bill P. from MI
I’ve been listening over and over to the message “Established in Righteousness” by Nancy Dufresne from July 26, 2022. It’s a very good word to just soak in the word of righteousness. A few months back, my doctor had a concern about my prostate because my PSA was increased and just a little over the okay range, so he sent me to a urologist for an ultrasound, just to get a baseline. Now this primary doctor and another before him had been telling me that my prostate was enlarged, age-appropriate and all, for years. I’m now 68, so probably for 10 years I’ve been hearing that. Then I went to listen to that message again, but I decided to start from the time Nancy Dufresne was ministering “healing waves.” I did not have anything in mind, but right through the airwaves, I sensed the presence of God as I joined in praying in the Holy Spirit. She said that some will ask, “What’s it for?” She said, “Well, what do you need?” I continued praying with the church, saying, “What do I need?” It quickly came – my prostate! So she came to declaring healing waves to those listening by livestream and later on YouTube – that’s me! And I received His touch. From that point, I believed He touched me, and I kept speaking, “Enlarged no more.” In a couple months, I had my appointment with the urologist. When he examined me, I heard him say, “That’s a normal prostate!” He has no concerns. He also took blood to check my PSA again, and it came out well within the normal range. Praise our God!! And as Nancy Dufresne stated, “The healing waves keep flowing over and over.” He’s not done yet! Just wanted you to know that God is still using that word and ministry here in Michigan.
Healing From High Blood Pressure
Sunbo L. From Canada
I came to Campmeeting believing for healing from high blood pressure. I was in a healing line on the 5th of June and hands were laid on me. Upon returning home, I have checked my blood pressure over six times, and it’s been normal since then. I am healed from high blood pressure. Praise God!
Painful Bump Completely Removed
Kira W. from TX
I usually get ready for my day by listening to sermons or gospel music. YouTube suggested today, June 12, 2024, a Holy Ghost Service from 2022. I turned it on because I love y'all’s ministry. I have a flight I'll be taking tomorrow, but I noticed on the 9th that I had a painful bump developing. It was going to make my flight very uncomfortable, and I knew it would take a while for it to go away. Continuing to get ready for work, I listened to the service, and Pastor Nancy began ministering healing. She spoke of Jesus moving through the aisles. As I was agreeing (even for past healings), I was taking a shower, and the Holy Spirit prompted me to receive my healing as she ministered. As soon as I said, “I receive,” and I thanked God, I was healed! The bump was gone! As I continued to get ready, I felt the pain, but the bump was still gone, so I thanked and praised God for healing me, then the pain was/is gone! Hallelujah! My flight is gonna be pain free! Thank y'all for sharing the wonderful message of Jesus’ healing!!!
Financial Increase
Evelyn C. from WA
My family and I have been following and listening to Nancy Dufresne minister, along with Jesus the Healer. We have been immensely blessed by this ministry in so many ways. One of them is that ever since we became partners with Dufresne Ministries, we have seen an increase in our finances. It seems like things have speeded up for us in this area. We had believed God for a house many years ago, and not long after we became partners, our house manifested and my husband got an increase in pay at his job. We are excited and thankful to be a part of what God is doing in this ministry.
Tumor & Cancer Completely Healed!
Suzie L. from CA
After my horse accidents, I moved to CA and was diagnosed with a rare cancer, thymoma. It’s located in between my heart and lungs. The thymoma continued growing after a horse riding accident in 2007. It became so large that surgery wasn’t an option. I did chemo (5 meds), which was all the medical field had for this cancer. I went to radiation specialists, and three refused my case due to the location of the tumor, being so close to my heart and lungs. UCSD radiation proton agreed to do radiation. I went every day to treatments, and there were no results from chemo or radiation, only awful side effects, including cardiac arrest. (I was told I was speaking in tongues during this. I only remember white clouds of total peace. I did hear many doctors saying, “We’re losing her, more nitro,” and, “Shock her.”) I made it through cardiac arrest and went into assisted living. I couldn’t eat. I only drank smoothies. The tumor was choking me, and my esophagus was closing from the tumor. The cancer was eating my sternum and moved into my jugular vein. I prayed scriptures to God. I listened to the Copelands and Dufresne sermons over and over. I repented and was delivered from bitterness and a hard heart. I was given six months to live by radiation oncologists and other doctors. I went to the Ladies Conference in Murrieta, and Pastor Nancy and Pastor Terri prayed over me. They knew I was healed. I called oncology that week and asked for another PET scan. The cancer was not lit up, and the tumors had shrunk. There was no tumor in the jugular vein. Cancer was not found, and the tumor was very small. Thank you so much for the faith of these pastors and Jesus’ love for me. Praise Jesus. I will not die, I will live!