
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how the Word works when you give it action!

Amanda Wilson Amanda Wilson

Throat & Nerve Damage Healed!

Sommer M. from California

Nearly a year ago, I was diagnosed with a neurological disorder with a symptom called Mononeuritis Multiplex. It's where the peripheral nerves are damaged, causing nearly complete loss of sensation in my body, nerve pain, and drop foot in my right leg. I had a weakened grip, I dropped things constantly, and I could not feel it when I dragged my fingers up my arms or legs. Drop foot is when the action of raising the foot toward the calf and pushing the foot down to the floor (called dorsi flexion) cannot be implemented. I had to wear a brace that supported the foot and ankle so that I could stand, walk, and run. I had been standing in faith and confessing the Word and listening to Pastor Nancy's YouTube video titled "Healing Confessions" for months. On Monday of Campmeeting, I could not make it to the meetings due to class assignments. But I flipped on the TV toward the end of the service to watch as Pastor Nancy was calling out healings. She called "feet are being healed," so I looked down at my right foot and moved it for the first time in a year! I can walk, jump, and run without a brace for pain or fatigue. She also said an infection at the top of the back of throat was being healed. I'd had swollen tonsils since last September. I was tested for strep and tonsillitis, but both came back negative. Ten months went by, and the symptoms had gotten progressively worse. My breathing was affected, I was constantly coughing, and I could hardly talk at times, but no doctor took the symptoms seriously, they blamed them on allergies. When pastor said that about the throat, I knew it was for me. So I thanked God for healing me, and by the end of Campmeeting, all those symptoms were gone. I had also been standing in faith for about two years because of a growth that had appeared in my throat in January 2021. It started out about a quarter size, then grew to about the size of a baseball. It showed up as soon as I made a right decision concerning something the Holy Spirit was talking to me about. The doctors kept telling me they'd have to zap it, and that I'd be on medication for the rest of my life. One thing I learned through all of this was just how hopeless it is from the standpoint of an unbeliever to be told you have something that there is no cure for, but I'm not an unbeliever. I have a God who sent His Son to die for me so that I could walk in health and wholeness, not for me to lose organs. So I gritted my teeth and dug my heels into the Word for two years. The symptoms were loud and aggressive, but I got loud and aggressive back. Finally, that same Monday night of Campmeeting, Pastor Nancy called out a growth at the base of the throat. From the moment she called it out, I have not had another symptom related to that organ, and it shrank to half its size in an instant. I'm currently believing for that organ to go compeletely back to its normal shape and size.

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Amanda Wilson Amanda Wilson

Healed From Nerve Damage

Yvonne D. FROM Wisconsin

I was watching a Holy Ghost replay from Campmeeting 2022 on 6/13/23, and a pastor prayed for all those who had nerve damage in their feet. I had foot surgery on 10/26/21, which had complications, and my feet bleed from 10/26/21-12/6/21. When my PCP ended up running blood work, the results showed that I suffered from an issue called prolonged bleeding. I was immediately placed on a medication to stop the bleeding. Once this issue was resolved, however, I continued to suffer from pain. My podiatrist found that I was suffering from a condition called complex regional pain syndrome, and my hips became unaligned because there was no cure. I had injections from 3/3/22-12/22 to no avail. I had been in P.T. since 3/23. However, when I heard the calling for those with nerve damage, I remembered that I was already healed, and I reached out and received the healing power that was mine. Hallelujah! The pain in my toes was gone. I can wear regular shoes, no more walking with a cane. To God by the glory!!!! I was healed. Thank You, Lord.

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Amanda Wilson Amanda Wilson

Internal Organs Repositioned

Rhonda S. FROM Florida

I received a very much needed and appreciated manifestation of healing when Pastor Nancy ministered in Lakeland, Florida, on Friday, March 24th. During the service, she called out a condition of someone with a problem with their organs being out of position. My internal organs and surrounding pelvic muscles had shifted about four years ago. After a chiropractic treatment, I felt like something had detached from my abdominal wall and often felt pressure on my insides - the best way to describe it is that it felt like my insides were falling out. I responded when she called out this condition, and she laid hands on my abdomen and called for the healing to manifest. It is now mid-June, and after more than four years of believing for wholeness in this area, I no longer feel like my insides are falling out. Praise God! I am so very thankful. I also went to the service she held in Plant City, FL, the next day, and during that service, I did not come up for prayer, but as she prayed for others up front, I felt a couple of taps on my back, and I looked back, and no one was touching me. Then I felt what I can best describe as holy anointing oil being poured over my right hip. My hip has become more flexible since that point, and I am continuing to believe for wholeness in that area as well. Thank you for ministering God's healing power. God bless you and your ministry!

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Amanda Wilson Amanda Wilson

God's Favor - Job Promotion

Joel R. FROM California

I would love to share a great testimony that just happened to me and my family during Campmeeting. My family and I had been struggling with finances that month, with my wife not working in the summer and my checks coming out very low. We made sure to attend some days of Campmeeting. We knew that although we would not be attending all week, we would also get our answer watching online. We had been watching the Campmeeting all week through YouTube, and Pastor Nancy reminded me that we needed to be specific and not general with what we want. She said being specific will bring accelerations. I was in my car at work while I was listening to Pastor Nancy, and I was very specific with the job I was wanting through my work. I called it in and I said I wanted a position at my job where I still had my Sundays off, because I serve at my local church, and I wanted mornings, so I could be home at a reasonable time to spend time with my family. I also called in for an increase, and I was specific with how much I wanted. I continued to worship God and thank Him for that new position. Well, today I was called in the office, and I was offered a position with almost $1,000 dollar increase weekly, a morning position, and Sundays off. Thank You, God!!!! This position was offered to me while everyone at work would talk about how Sundays off was NEVER an option, but God favored me and made a way for me. Me and my wife always remind each other that our jobs are not our providers, God is!

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Amanda Wilson Amanda Wilson

TIA Symptoms Completely Gone!

Amelia D. FROM California

I have been dealing with symptoms of a TIA, which is basically a mini stroke. The neurologist is trying to find why I'm having these symptoms. On Sunday, 6/11/23, during the night I woke up to these symptoms, and my heart was racing and then would slow down very slowly. The symptoms were stronger this night than they had been in past times. When I woke up Monday morning to get ready to go to work, all the symptoms were very present, and my left arm was hurting bad, and I kept getting dizzy and felt tired and weak. I stayed home from work. I rested all morning, knowing I needed to be at church for Campmeeting that week. I still felt my heart aching, and my left arm was still hurting all day. I got ready for church and went. On Monday night, 6/12/23, during praise and worship, I lifted my left arm and sang and praised God in pain. When Pastor Nancy got up to preach, the first thing she did was call out by word of knowledge that someone needed new heart valves. I didn't know for sure if that was me, but I knew it was close enough to what I was dealing with. I received by faith the new heart valves. By the end of service that night, all pain in my left arm, as well as aching in my heart, was gone, and my heartbeat was normal. I know I'm healed! I felt so good!! The next day, Tuesday morning, I woke up to the symptoms again. I used my authority and told them to leave. I continually, all morning while I was getting ready to go to Campmeeting, praised God that I'm healed! By the time I got to church, all the symptoms were gone!!!! Praise God!

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Amanda Wilson Amanda Wilson

Shoulder Pain Completely Gone

Katie C. from Missouri

During the Paducah Miracle Crusade, Pastor Nancy called out shoulders by a word of knowledge. I have almost always had a tightness that runs from one shoulder to the other across my sternum. Stretching doesn’t help for long. When she called it out, I rolled my shoulders and felt that tightness begin to be relieved. By the end of the service, the tightness was almost completely gone, and now it is gone!

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Amanda Wilson Amanda Wilson

Hands Healed

Kimberly S. FROM Ohio

I attended the Miracle Crusade in Paducah, KY, in May 2023. When I arrived, I had a lot of tiny bumps on both of my hands, which had been there for about a week or so. I prayed and believed over it and didn't do anything further, no ointments, no google, etc. As I was driving to Paducah, I decided to believe that I would not return home with the bumps on my hand. I’m not sure which night they disappeared, but I looked at my hands the last night, and the bumps were gone. Hallelujah!

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Amanda Wilson Amanda Wilson

Neck & Spine Pain Completely Gone

Linda H. FROM Mississippi

I attended the DM Crusade in Paducah, KY. During the Tuesday pm service, Pastor Nancy laid hands on me and prayed for my neck and spine. I had been in pain for several days, and when she laid hands on me, the pain immediately left – instantly. I’m still pain free. PTL!!!!

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Amanda Wilson Amanda Wilson

Healed From Allergies

Rachel D.

I’m writing to report a healing. While it may not seem huge, it is HUGE for me. Since 2009, I’ve suffered from seasonal allergies. They have been managed for years with over-the-counter meds. However, in 2020, they suddenly got a lot worse and have worsened each year since. This year, they have been debilitating. I’ve had days where I’ve gone through multiple boxes of tissues and have blown my nose and sneezed until every part of my body hurt. I would sneeze hundreds of times a day, and this is no exaggeration.

The allergies made it impossible to function because they started causing trouble with my everyday breathing. Since my first allergy attack of the year in February, I’ve had constant tightness in my chest, difficulty breathing (sometimes severe), and my sinuses have been constantly congested and clogged. On a good day, I’ve been able to breathe out of one side of my nose at about 20% for very short moments throughout the day.

This year, I even entered a medical trial and started on a new medication and way of treating allergies. After my first month, absolutely zero improvement.

On Sunday night, Pastor Nancy started calling out healings. When she called out knees, I recognized the healing power present. I decided to tap into that power and receive, even though my condition wasn’t specifically called out. Out loud I said, “Healing is here. Father, I receive my healing in the Name of Jesus.” In just a few short seconds, I took a deep breath, THROUGH MY NOSE!!! Now, 2 days later, the tightness in my chest is gone, and I am breathing freely without congestion. Today, I sat outside for over an hour, by the very trees and weeds I was allergic to, and had NO reaction! God is good!!! Healing is ours, if we just reach out and receive!

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Amanda Wilson Amanda Wilson

Mass In Intestines Gone

Carolyn R. from Texas

On May 17th I called into your prayer center for prayer. My husband was going to have a colonoscopy the next day. He had an MRI that showed a mass in his intestines. Ms. Jeannine prayed for me and my husband. I joined my faith in agreement with her. She prayed that it would be an easy procedure and when they went in there they would find nothing.

The day of the surgery, the doctors told me the procedure would take 45 minutes to an hour. Exactly one hour later, the doctor came back to me and said they didn't find anything! None of the masses or whatever they saw on the MRI were there!

I had to call in and let you all know! Praise the Lord! Thank You, Jesus! Thank you to your staff and for always being there to pray for us! We are listening to Pastor Nancy on YouTube and are really enjoying it! We are so thankful!!!

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